Birth Prep 101
Are you wondering how you can best prepare for birth? Have you been told to do Kegels and question if they are right for you? Do you want to learn how to efficiently push? How you can minimize tearing? How to set yourself up for a smoother postpartum recovery?
If you are looking to prepare your mind, body, and pelvic floor for birth, this class is for you.
It is designed to empower you to go into birth feeling strong and confident in your body and have the guidance you deserve for optimal health and recovery postpartum.
Birth Prep Class Details
Session #1: The Pelvic Floor & The First Stage of Labour
Basic anatomy and function of the pelvic floor, including how to connect to these muscles in preparation for birth
What to expect during the different phases of the first stage of labour
Options for comfort measures and coping strategies during labour
Optimizing fetal positioning in utero and why it matters
Labour positioning, including how we can maximize pelvic opening to facilitate fetal movement
Session #2: The Second Stage of Labour
Timing of pushing in relation to the different phases of the second stage of labour
Pushing strategies and positions to reduce pelvic floor trauma
Information on possible medical interventions including epidurals, vacuum/forceps, episiotomies, and cesarean birth
Risk factors for perineal tearing and evidence based ways to minimize it
Session #3: Preparing for Postpartum
Recommended items for perineal healing
Tips for cesarean birth recovery, including scar care
The stages of healing
Guidelines for returning to activity/exercise
Movement and exercise options for recovery during the first 6 weeks (for vaginal and cesarean birth)
Bonus Material:
6 mobility exercises to prepare for birth
Birth preference sheet
Frequently Asked Questions
Yes absolutely, partners are welcomed and encouraged. However, you can still register for the class if you would like to attend solo, or if your partner is unable to make it.
You can attend at any point in pregnancy however I do recommend the third trimester as being optimal for timing.
Yes, it can be covered under physiotherapy benefits. Payment for the class is required upfront. You will receive an invoice after the first session that can be submitted to insurance for reimbursement.
The cost is $180 for three 1-hour classes, run over three consecutive weeks.

Serving Sault Ste. Marie and the Algoma Region
765 Queen Street East Suite 101
Sault Ste. Marie, ON, P6A 2A8